



Climate change is already having a significant impact on wild animals around the globe. Changes in climate are altering the timing of life cycles, causing species to shift where they live, and in some cases even leading to extinction.

Front Line Communities

Climate change imposes heavy burdens on those living nearest to floodplains, shorelines, and polluted city centers. By demanding cuts to dangerous pollution, providing access to green jobs, and spurring economic growth for all Americans, we can begin a fair transition to the economy of the future—one powered by clean and renewable energy.

Our Artic

The Artic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the earth, affecting weather around the globe and threatening the foundation of Arctic ecosystems. Arctic summer sea ice is expected to disappear before mid-century, which will have cascading consequences worldwide.

Our Oceans

Both people and wildlife depend on the health of our oceans as a source of sustenance and livelihood. Our oceans absorb most of the warming and carbon pollution occurring today, even more than the atmosphere.

Our Security

In the US and around the world, climate change is destabilizing food production, displacing people in vulnerable countries, and threatening our shorelines with sea level rise and more extreme storms.

Our Fresh Water

Climate change is altering patterns of weather and water around the world, causing shortages and droughts in some areas and floods in others. These changes will combine to make less water available for agriculture, energy generation, cities and ecosystems around the world.

Our Economy

American taxpayers are paying the price for weather disasters, crop failures, and higher insurance rates associated with our warming world. The good news is that America’s leading businesses, along with our city and state leaders, are taking the lead on climate action.